Rightsizing with Design

Simplify Your Home, Simplify Your Life

UTILIZE the design process to uncover the best use of your space, with exactly the right furnishings, as simply as possible. 

Our Homes Now

  • Our homes are meant to be sanctuaries - places of refuge that restore and rejuvenate us. But for many seniors and empty nesters, the homes filled with rich memories can start to feel stagnant as life circumstances change.

    With children now grown and building their own lives, those carefully kept boxes of belongings from their childhood take on new heaviness. The family's once lively home can now feel demanding to maintain.

    This transitional phase stirs up understandable emotions. Parting with possessions that hold meaning and signify connections can feel like losing pieces of your identity. The prospect of editing through decades of accumulated belongings is incredibly daunting. It’s understandable why anyone would want to put this off.

    Yet there's also a sense that overwhelm from too much stuff prevents you from truly finding refuge where you live. Efficient living spaces overtaken create mental burden. The home that's meant to be a haven can instead leave you feeling stuck, stressed, and restless.

    You don't have to merely endure to this emotional tug-of-war. Through intentional "rightsizing," guided by purposeful design principles, you can regain the comfort, function, and solace of your living spaces.

  • About the program.

    Rightsizing with Design will empower you to reclaim the comfort and sanctuary of your home. What's included in this comprehensive program:


    Gain a deep understanding of the core principles behind "rightsizing" and how intentional design can alleviate and transform congested spaces


    Master a step-by-step process for utilizing your rooms' limited square feet through strategic layout, furniture placement, colors and accents that optimize functionality.


    Experiment with different floor plan options to find the ideal layout tailored to your specific needs, flow, and vision for renewal.

    Gain Insights

    Dive into color relationships and design concepts that simplify decision-making so you can create living spaces that energize and delight.


    Develop your best system to inventory your belongings for an edited, purposeful living environment.


    Find grace and ease during the dispersal process with guided strategies to thoughtfully redistribute items you no longer need.

    Scroll down for pricing and more!

Decluttering is infinitely easier when you think of it as deciding what to keep, rather than deciding what to throw away.
— Francine Jay

What's Included:

  • Over 7 hours of how-to videos and slideshows to help you design the space that will meet your needs now

  • Tutorials and templates for inventorying + tracking the process of distributing, selling, and/or donating items that no longer serve you

  • Downloadable exercises, worksheets, + resource guides from clarifying the scope of your design to aging in place

  • Guided prompts and inspiration to develop your style, find your colors, and highlight the treasures in your home

Use proven design methodologies to finally achieve the easy living spaces you deserve.

Price: $99

Joshua Becker

“Minimalism isn’t about removing things you love. It’s about removing the things that distract you from the things you love.”

Who should buy this course?

  • Seniors and empty nesters looking to rightsize their living spaces

  • Individuals looking to downsize their living space into a more compact, functional home

  • Professionals seeking to streamline processes and increase efficiency in their work/home environments

  • Anyone interested in simplifying their life and embracing principles of intentional living

  • Those intrigued by minimalist philosophies yet put off by the "minimalism" label

  • Design enthusiasts eager to explore new creative perspectives on space utilization and organization

  • Anyone feeling burdened by clutter and excess belongings weighing them down

  • Those going through major life transitions like post-retirement or becoming an empty nester

  • Folks looking to edit down possessions for an upcoming move to a new residence

  • Visual thinkers who appreciate a thoughtful, design-driven approach to optimizing spaces

Get started on your Rightsizing journey now with a click of the button below.

Who’s running this thing?

Need some encouragement?

Get started with a free introductory webinar!

September 19th at 8pm Eastern

Find out more at this link:

Hi, Eleanor here. I am an interior designer and long time Zen student. I created this course to help people like my Dad, who did the right thing when he sent me eight boxes of my own journals that I had left in his basement. And my Aunt, who was sharing with me here own story of stress around having so much accumulate stuff. And my Mom who is really interested in downsizing her space to enjoy more freedom to roam.

I noticed a pattern, and I thought: what if we approached this like a design problem in need of a design solution?

One of the most valuable and rewarding skills I’ve learned is the design process. It motivates me to let go, get clear, and be honest about why my home can hold. When I create a layout for a space that I’m excited about, more often than not, the key to success for the layout is not overcrowding it.

As a Zen practitioner, I have an abiding appreciation for owning less, though I don’t always achieve this. I understand that it’s hard to let go, but also that having less means a freer, easier, life. I highly encourage you to lean on the design process to give yourself a vision for the way your space could be better. Use a systematic approach to prioritizing the objects that matter most and discover a space that truly serves you now. You are going to love it.

Don't let overwhelm hold you back. Rightsizing with Design will give you the clarity and confidence to transform your space and simplify your life. Join today and take the first step towards a lighter, brighter future.

Rightsizing with Design
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