Rightsizing with Design


I am so glad you are here. This course is for anyone who wants to simplify their life, live with less clutter, pass along what is no longer needed, and rightsize their home. 

Whether you are downsizing into a smaller home or want to make your life easier to manage, you have come to the right place. 

What does it mean to ‘Rightsize with Design?’ It means utilizing the design process to uncover the best use of your space, with exactly the right furnishings, as simply as possible. 

You will learn how to work within the limitations of space by testing out different floor plans. 

You’ll learn about color, design concepts, and how to use these early in the process to simplify your decision making process. 

You will learn how to inventory your furnishings, fixtures, and equipment and stay exceedingly well organized

Having designed your space and determined what to keep, you will be ready for the disbursement of the remainder. We’ll talk through your options so you can manage this process with grace.

My Mom and I have been navigating this journey too, and I document the process, post updates, and share even more resources over on my Substack newsletter. Become a subscriber and join our growing community.

For more about me, Eleanor, and my mission with Refuge Design Workshop, visit this link!

When it seems like there are too many decisions to make, lean on the design process to give you the step-by-step clarity to carry you from start to finish.

Let’s get started!

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New Possibilities Ahead

With these design tools, you will have a new way to discern and fresh eyes for truly appreciating things that bring you the greatest joy.

By the end of this course, you will find yourself better able to let go of what no longer serves and enjoying a transformed, functional space.