Launch Your



Take the first steps to transforming your home at this free online workshop!

September 19th at 8pm EDT on Zoom

You’re thinking about rightsizing, you need to declutter, you want to simplify your life, but need help connecting to your “why?” Join us for this free workshop!

Perhaps you need clarity.

Perhaps you need encouragement.

Perhaps you need a moment to reflect, with other thoughtful, intentional, people.

When it comes transitions in the home, whether downsizing or just trying to simplify your life, remember there is an emotional component.

If you know you need to do some work on your home, but it just seems too hard, join this support-rich, online workshop.

Begin with a clear intention.

While the transformation of the home is about taking practical steps (like those laid out in the online program Rightsizing with Design,) often there’s preliminary work that needs to happen. In this free supplemental workshop, you will have the opportunity to:

Get relational support

Emotional mapping, in the company of others, is such a productive, and enriching, way to assess the areas in our homes that we love, that stress us out, and that actually need attention. Taking the time to do this shows us we have much in common with other homeowners on this journey, who can offer and receive support, ideas, and inspiration in the process. With time for stories, a space planning activity, and more!

Get foundational support

We'll get a big picture point of view, the "here's where I am, here's where I'm going, and here's what I need" perspective, so you are grounded and clear about why this matters.

Get excited

This process is ultimately about creating joy in your home and your life. The fewer burdens we have, the more focus we have on what we love, the better we feel. Let this workshop be a great motivator! Let's get hyped! We can do this!


If you’re new here, welcome! I’m Eleanor. Refuge Design Workshop is a culmination of who I am and what matters most. My life as a zen student, my devotion to service, my creative energy and passion for design all went into its formation. Through this business, I offer many ways to improve and transform the home, whether it’s through traditional interior design services or, like my most recent offering, Rightsizing with Design.

This free workshop is a chance to share more about the intangibles of home improvement. “Why am I doing this?” “Why don’t I feel like doing this?” “How can I make time for this?” “What if I get this wrong?”

This free workshop will help you get oriented and grounded, ready to take the next step.

Find much more of me on Substack or Instagram.

See you on Zoom!